SCC Faculty Knowledge BaseAcademicMoodleAssignmentsPortfolios: Exporting an Assignment to Google Drive

Portfolios: Exporting an Assignment to Google Drive

For instrctors that want their students to maintain a collection of submitted work for later review, Moodle makes it easy to export copies of submitted work to Google Drive. Here's how this works:

Moodle provides a built-in export for the following types of activities:

  • Assignments
  • Chat
  • Forum posts
  • Glossary entries
  • Database entries

The following instructions are specific to Moodle Assignments. To export an assignment submission, find your assignment and click on it to see its landing page.


Once an assignment the student has submitted has been graded, they'll see a link to your submission on the landing page. Directly below the file submission is an Export to portfolio link. To send this file to a portfolio, the student clicks this link.


If you have also created a version of the submission with feedback embedded within it, they'll see a link to export that feedback file too.


After clicking the export link, they'll see a window with a menu to select the destination for the portfolio export.


The student should choose Google Drive as the export option and click Next.


On the confirmation window that opens, the student clicks continue. This window will indicate that a copy of the assignment file is being sent to the student's Google Drive.


If the export is successful, they'll see a new confirmation window indicating success. If they click Continue to your portfolio in the window, they'll be taken to their Google Drive.


If the file doesn't successfully export to Google Drive, it's likely that their Moodle account has an error in it. The email address in a Moodle account should match the email address associated with the school email account. If there is a discrepancy between these accounts, the export will fail. they should contact the Teaching and Learning center, or just email [email protected] for help correcting this issue.

Their Google Drive will open and they'll see a copy of the assignment file saved in it.


To organize the portfolio in  Drive, they still need to move this file to a folder for the saved portfolio. If they haven't already created a folder for the portfolio in their Drive, they should do so now. Then, they should click the three dots next to the portfolio file just exported and select Move to and move it to the newly created portfolio folder.


A very similar version of these instructions has been posted in the student knowledge base. If you want to send a copy of the instructions to your students, you can go to the student knowledge base and copy it, or just use this link:

Export assignments to a Google Drive portfolio