Adding a Grade Item
Setting up your grade book in Moodle starts with adding items - e.g. individual grades like essays and tests. Often, grade items are automatically created when you set up an graded Moodle activity, such as an Assignment , Forum, or Quiz. Sometimes, though, you just want to manually create an item you grade by directly entering grades into the grade book.
For a video overview of the same topic, check out:
In your class, click on Grades under Course Administration.
You are now in the Grader report under the View tab. Click on the Setup tab.
At the bottom of the Setup page, click on Add grade item.
Give your grade an Item name - like "final exam" or "essay #1."
Click the Show more... link that is just under Item name.
Enter the maximum possible points for your assignment in the Maximum grade box. Click Save changes (at the bottom of the page).
Return to the Grader report under the View tab to see your new Grade item displayed and to record grades for your students