Facility Requests
This article explains how to create and submit facility requests. You should submit a request any time you have an event that requires setup (chairs, tables, microphones, recording, etc).
Start by logging in to the mySCC homepage and clicking on the Etrieve Central button within the Employee Apps card.

On the Etrieve Central page, click Facility Request Form under Facility.

The request form will open. This form has several sections that are crucial to be completed in order to assist staff in completing your event setup. The first section of the form includes basic details like the event's main contact and an estimated number of attendees.

After the first section is complete, scroll down to the next section and complete. This section asks for information about the date and timing of the event, among other things.

The third section of the form gives you visual examples of typical event seating setups. Identify the seating setup that best fits your event and choose it from the dropdown menu.

The final form section helps staff identify other special requests, especially related to specific technology and audio-visual needs for your event. Complete all the parts that apply.

At the bottom of the page, click on the Attachments icon and upload all documents related to your event, especially an agenda or outline.

Clicking Attachments opens the Attachments window. Click on Upload Files(s) to open another window to search for your document on your computer and to upload it to the form.

Before submitting your form, click on the Download icon to save a copy of your request to your device. Keep a copy of this in your records for reference prior to the event.

Finally, click Submit to have your responses recorded and sent to college staff so that preparation for your event can begin. A member of staff will contact the listed contact person for more information as needed.

All events being held using college facilities must submit this Facility Request Form.