VR Platforms - Training and Support

Workforce Training
  1. Strivr - AI-powered workforce training platform delivers "immersive learning experiences in extended reality."
  2. Talespin – AI-powered training platform with a library of immersive content focusing on soft skills. Platform includes a "no-code" authoring tool that lets users make and customize their own immersive content
  3. SkillsVR - Platform focused on managing vr resources and on deploying training for institutions and companies. Has off-the-shelf content, allows uploading third-party content, and has a no-code "content creation kit" for making your own experiences.
Skilled Trades
  1. Interplay Learning - Platform focuses VR training for skilled trades and certificate programs
  2. Transfr - VR-based training for a variety of trades and careers
  3. CareerlabsVR - explore a variety of skill-based careers in VR. Provides a growing library of simulations for students to try.
    • Full platform available at SCC
  • coming soon
  1. VictoryXR - Education-focused vr platform. AI-enabled immersive experiences available in several academic subjects. VR classroom environments and "digital twin" universities are also available through their platform.
    • Sample experiences available at SCC